Can my IMMIGRATION ATTORNEY help me GET a WORK PERMIT while I wait for my GREEN CARD? January 20, 2019 It is very common for immigrants who are waiting for green cards in the United States to want to obtain... READ MORE
A Visa Attorney can Help You in an Application for a Green Card October 10, 2018 Lawful Permanent Residents and U.S. Citizens can petition to help their family members become lawful permanent residents and obtain a... READ MORE
Applying for a Green Card Abroad versus in the United States September 4, 2018 The application process for a green card (officially known as a permanent resident card), may be initiated either within or... READ MORE
Application for Green Card in a Family-Based Petition September 2, 2018 It’s no secret that green cards are a hot topic of discussion these days, especially given the recent and pending... READ MORE